Friday Round Up


I generally just use my artistic eye to create boquets and arrangements, so here’s a slightly more constructive video of how to make a- Flower Centerpiece Tutorial

Find your Spirit Vegetable with this short quiz full of fun questions. I got Belgian Endive. What did you get??

This Confetti Tank top screams spring/summer.

If you struggle paying attention like I do, check out this great article How To Pay Attention

Now that I’m not home all day, everyday with all of my things so convenient, I’ve been thinking I could use a make up. Here’s a great list of 15 DIY Makeup bags

Need a nice weekend hack? Update this IKEA TV stand from A Beautiful Mess

I think I’m going to need to ask my sister from some of these Vardagen bakeware pieces!

My desk could totally use this letter board. Although the abuse by co workers would be constant. The messages we would see!

Get out this weekend and find some foraged decor!

Paper Flowers for dayyysssss

Spring has me craving all things flowers, all the time. Unfortunately, until this fall when I will hopefully get some bulbs in the ground for next spring, my own flower garden is…well non-existent at the moment. My flower garden is currently sitting in seed packets waiting to get planted. And while I tell myself to go foraging to wild, beautiful blooms and textures I know are just steps outside my door…I don’t.

So instead, I’m dying to make oceans of these bright, gorgeous paper blooms!


Tutorial courtesy of Aunt Peaches and

What you need:

Tissue paper (two colors minimum: each flower needs twelve 10″ circles + four 5″ circles)


Tacky Glue

Fold tissue paper into small stacks and cut out 10″ circles. Don’t worry if a few of the circles are lopsided or imperfect, it adds character.

Fold the stack of circles in half and use scissors to fringe the edges.

Squeeze four or five dots of Tacky glue in a wide circle around the center.

Gather 15 fringed circles (can be one color or every color) and repeat squeezing glue dots around the center area of the circles.

Stack the circles on top of each other, glue side up. Set aside.

Fold a second color of tissue paper and cut four 5″ circles.

Repeat the stacking and glueing process, this time making the ring of glue dots slightly smaller.

Use your hand to flatten the stack and spread the glue. Allow to dry at least 30 minutes.
One by one, pull and pinch each layer of tissue paper toward the center being careful to keep your fingers away from the edges.

Continue the process, gently pulling each layer of circles toward the center, pinching the bases as you go.

Keep going!

And there is your flower. You can add a thumbtack or magnet to the back, or maybe add a few leaves. It’s up to you!

These fringed paper flowers look terrific on top of a package and the recipient will keep your handiwork on display long after party is over!




Things I’m loving lately…

This is my attempt to get back in the blogging world. My initial visit was short and sweet. Ha! I’m hoping this will help me do a little more crafting, a little more organizing and a little more cleaning. We shall see!!

In the meantime, I just had to share a few DIYs I’ve spotted that I’m dying to tackle or maybe just dream about doing…

Like these DIY Candy Jems from Poppy Talk. Sugar & Gems…two of my favorite things!


I love how they used them to decorate a cake. Are you drooling too??

I’ve been going crazy for tarts lately. I had this amazing plan to make these tasty Blueberry Cream Cheese tarts for our Easter Brunch but 1st trimester pregnancy has been kicking me in the butt lately. Hurray for week 13! These tarts from Honestly WTF are a delightful switch up from the normal flavors of spinach, ham & cheese or fruit. I’m always looking for a way to get a few more veggies into my diet.


Check out the recipe here!


While I’m not drinking this ‘Virginia Bee’s Knees’ or as we’ll be making it-‘Oregon/Virginia Bee’s Knees,’ this drink caught my eye for new week when my soon to be Mother-in-Law is coming to visit and bringing with her some delicious Crater Lake Gin.



1 1/2 oz. honey simple syrup made with local honey

1 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice

4 oz Virginia or Oregon made Gin

Serves: 2


Combine honey syrup, lemon juice and gin in a shaker with ice. Shake until chilled and strain into 2 glasses.

And lastly, this image via Better Homes & Gardens for floating night stands. I don’t know about anyone else, but with a farm house full of dirt floors, a farmer fiance, a dog and a baby on the way…I love anything that’s off the floor and makes cleaning simple!


Perhaps in a weekend or two Big Bad Chad and I will tackle this project!




Thoughtful Mondays

Coming to you from Jack-Of-All-Glitters as well, it’s Thoughtful Monday!


Recently, Chad and I made a huge change to up and move to Virginia in pursuit of a dream of ours. So far, it’s been wonderful.

Hard, yes.

But wonderful.

And I absolutely encourage anyone who isn’t happy about what happening in their life, any part of it, to take the chance and make a change. It’s your life.

Live it.

Spring DIYs

Spring is in the air! Not only does it make me want to get outside, but it’s time for refreshing.

And to me, that means crafts and DIY!

So here are a few that I love, guaranteed to freshen up your home.


These adorable drinking glass from Virginia and Charlie.

Curtains freshen up everything! Try out these dip-dyed curtains from 4men1lady

It’s the season for fresh flowers, now imagine them in these beautiful gilded vases. (Next to those cheers glass??) Love it!

gilded vases

Create an indoor herb garden to keep them handy for spring recipes! From Canadian Home Trends.

Chalkboard Flower Pot Labels


Brighten up your doormat and entry way with this easy painted doormat from Krylon.

Spring Door Mat


While I’ve never gotten around to making a spring wreath (or any wreath for that matter, except maybe one at Christmas), I love the idea. What a cheery thing to come home to! Try out this tutorial from Herbs and Oils.

How To Make A Glam Spring Flower Wreath

Best Friends are Hard to Find

Because the best is already mine.

Sitting here listening to Taylor Swift’s Red album (I’ve always loved her, regardless of the haters. Yea, yea she can sound like a whiner or a complainer whose always got a broken heart but if that’s all you hear that you’ve clearly forgotten your youthful heartbreaks too) on my itunes while my freshly painted lilac nails dry and I can’t help but miss my forever second sister and best friend LaRue. Who is most likely still asleep right now (at 9am on a West Coast Sunday) and very jealous of my now weekly habitual nail painting. This post is to you- and our friendship. I read once that friendships that reach the seven year mark are highly likely to last a lifetime. This year makes seven years for us. So here’s to us and a lifetime of friendship! I can’t help but smile, laugh or shake my head when I think of you.


Seven years ago today, in the middle of our first winterguard season together, I can only assume we would be sore and exhausted from a show day and if Andy was feeling sorry for us or charitable, we would be lucky enough to be in the middle of a massage block right now. If not, we are hopefully past that horrible 45 toss that will forever haunt me in my dreams. Seven years ago, Stephanie became one of the biggest influences in my life. From everything from fashion to cooking ramen to love to music and to finding my passions in life to creating the perfect margarita, I don’t know where I would be without here. How I wish we could have lived with Kendra for a while. What a house that would have been!


Today, I want to say how proud I am to be her friend. And lately, as I yell across a 100 ft hoophouse (an un-heated greenhouse to be technical) and can never, ever hear what chad yells back, my only response is usually “I CAN’T HEAR A WORD YOU’RE SAYING!”


But no one else understands why it’s so funny.


I think of her almost everytime I sit down to write, and how thrilled I am that she has found a path to pursue. A path that I know she will excel at because if there is one thing that everyone will always remember about her, it’s her unique voice that shines through everything she says or writes. I hear it in her text messages and her facebook posts. It’s a passion and opinion that comes solely from her and I can’t wait to see where it takes her.


Sometimes I think back to a night at our old apartment, with her collapsed on her bed and me sitting on the ground outside of our bathroom in the small space of our hallway in between our two rooms upstairs. “What am I going to do?” She asked me desperately. “You have your crafts and Jon has all his business stuff…”


“I don’t know…What do you like to do?”


Watch tv.” Haha. Isn’t that the truth? I thought, remembering the countless times I had to get up and go upstairs because she was watching The Hills and the characters were being so stupid that I just couldn’t understand it anymore. “Yell at me once you go back to SATC” And I’d retreat upstairs to craft or something.


“Well why don’t you try some different things..” I remember saying to her, thinking about how my path to jewelry wasn’t exactly direct and is still a struggle today even though I love it so, so much. “I don’t know, you like cooking and fashion and music…what about any of those?”


I can’t remember what she actually said but it went something like this: Yea, but I don’t really love them. And I knew what she meant; she was looking for what I still was, what I’m pretty sure I’ve found in this farming/local food world. Something to grab your attention and excitement, something to really do with your life, something that she loved the way she loved colorguard and she really did love colorguard. She loved it so much more than I did and it was something that I really loved about her. Listening to her and Doug talk about it…I loved it. But much like me, she recognized that her life was also going to be about something more.


We continued talking about life and potential dreams for quite a bit longer, but never reached any solid conclusions and I remember wanting so much to help her find her path the way she had helped me find mine. (To this day I am so thankful to all of the people who helped me and supported me from Stephanie to my parents and my sister Laurie (who has always supported every single thing I’ve ever done-you’re the best!) to Chad and all of my studio mates).


And now that it seems like she’s found it, I couldn’t be more thrilled. She’s an inspiration to me to every time I think about writing.


So here’s to drinking daqueritas,

to changing into an outfit of equal cuteness,

to not wearing sweats to Target,

to flavored Red Bulls and Jimmy Johns before rehearsals,

to feather earrings,

to that one time we watched all the High School Musicals (how embarrassing!),

to ‘Twilight Style’ movies,

to fridays

to freezing in our apartment because we couldn’t afford heat

to BFFs and everything in between!

Hello everyone! It’s officially Socktober! And as a Eugene resident, where the homeless are everywhere, literally, everywhere, instead of doing some much complaining (which I admit, I do my fair share of) let’s do something about it! Start small. With Socktober. And don’t forget to dance!


Always do right…

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. -Mark Twain

And an important reminder from Futurama: Often when you do things right, people won’t even think you did anything.

But how true is this quote? Every time a celebrity makes a better choice (we know how crazy things can get) or a company suprises you by fighting for values instead of pure profits, its a delightful surprise. And quite often I find myself astonished. Which is a good thing. So do the right thing! All the time.